Tuesday, November 4, 2014

ABC Show "Scandal" Raising Concerns

Speaking of television, the hit TV show Scandal has been raising concerns since the new season started.  We first heard of concerns about the show from Twitter followers tweeting about how the intimate scenes in the show were "too much."  Shonda Rhimes, who created the show, promptly responded by basically saying that if you don't like it, don't watch it.  She also said that the content of the show is nothing new.  

You'd think that would be all that we'd hear about the show, but since the latest episode, The Parents Television Council has come out expressing concerns that the show was aired right after a Peanuts episode which is geared towards children.  Don't get me wrong, the intimate scenes in Scandal make me feel uncomfortable too, but how much input do we want to take from viewers who don't even watch the show?  

I understand that the placement of the shows and episodes as far as scheduling could have been done better and more carefully.  However, is this material anything new to the show Scandal?  No, not really.  There has been some variation, but overall the show is the same.  

My main concern that I feel should be ABC's concern as well is are they going to lose viewers as a result of the material in the show?  If I were them, I would be careful in the way I address these issues.  I would also make sure that they show is aired during a time where younger children are less likely to be exposed to it's material.  It would be unfortunate for the show to get cancelled as a result of a decline in viewers.  I don't think that will happen, but if ABC doesn't respond or do anything about these concerns, I can see a possibility of a decline in viewers and supporters.

This blog is for educational purposes only.


