Friday, November 15, 2013

Family Crisis

As I have reflected upon family crisis situations, I find it interesting how each family responds to different events.  Some families come closer together as they go through trials, and some pull farther apart.  I think that a lot of a families ability to stay together depends upon the parents.  If the parents are able to stay strong, and remain unified, then the children have a much higher chance of sticking together with the family.  It is interesting to reflect upon our own lives, and how we react to trials in our lives.  What do we do that is right?  What do we do that brings us closer together?  What do we do that we could improve on?  I would invite you to reflect upon these questions, and then work to improve your reactions to trials in your life.

Sexual Intimacy

Sexual intimacy is sacred, and should be between a man and a woman within marriage.  There are so many aspects of intimacy that could be discussed, but what really stands out to me is that sexual intimacy is a form of communication.  I had never really thought about it in that way until recently.  Although I hadn't thought of it in that way before, I agree with it.  There doesn't need to be words between two individuals to communicate with each other.  I think it is important to remember that even our wordless actions are forms of communication, and as we remember that, it may change our actions as a result.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I had an interesting experience this past week.  There was a woman that I met, and when I met her and got to know her on a first meeting basis, she seemed like a perfectly nice individual.  Although she was pretty and attractive, my level of attractiveness to her was nothing more than me thinking she was pretty.  I was not interested in getting to know her better more than the average person I saw on the street, until the next week.  While I was in church, I had the opportunity to hear her give a talk.  While she gave her talk, she became more and more attractive.  I found this interesting because what had changed since our first meeting?  What I observed was that she was Spiritual, and that she had a testimony, and that she had depth.  This was attractive to me, and combined with her level of physical attractiveness, at this point, I was interested in dating her.  The point is, that she became more attractive as I got to know her.  She wasn't just a pretty face.  She was someone that I wanted to get to know better, someone who I had the potential of dating.  Attraction is not just skin deep.  It is much more than that.


I find the topic of dating very interesting.  I wish that there was a class on campus dedicated just to dating.  I am grateful for the time that we have had to discuss dating and it's very many aspects.  We have found that there are many dynamics when it comes to dating, and a great deal of characteristics that are found in a successful relationships.  The many events that lead up to someone dating and getting married is unique to each relationship, but there are some similarities.  What I find frustrating is that when it comes to dating, and the game of dating, it is different with each person.  Dating would be so much easier if we all followed the same "rules."  The language of love is different with each person, and with that, creates confusion and frustration when an individual is pursuing someone else. What is it about dating that is so great and so terrible at the same time?  It can sometimes be bittersweet.  We date in hopes of finding that special someone, knowing very well that it might end in heartache, but we do it anyway.  What motivates you to potentially chase disappointment?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Family Dynamics

What does the word family mean to you?  What thoughts or memories does it bring to your mind?  When you hear the word family, how do you feel?  Do you become happy, or do your thoughts take you to a place of sadness?

We all have someone that we can call family.  Whether is be a blood relative, or a best friend, family are those that we love and that love us.  Family consists of structure, and love, and learning.  We all have roles in a family, different responsibilities that we must fulfill to be successful in having a healthy family.

It is important that each of understands our role in the family, and that we help to build up a righteous posterity.  I guess my post today is more of a thought provoking post, to cause each of us to reflect upon our families, and upon our future families.

Social Class

We live in a world where we are judged, labeled, and categorized by our behaviors and by our monetary status.  It is said that the class we are born in is most likely the class that we will remain in for the duration of our lives.  Our choices and the way that we act is usually an indicator of our social class, and of the future that awaits us.

As I have thought about this kind of thinking, it has caused me to reflect on the worth of a human soul. It seems to me that we determine how much someone is worth upon conditions.  The world has caused us to look at individuals in this way, seeming to only care about the things of the world.

When we look at how valuable a human soul is, we learn that the worth of a human soul is great, and that each soul is equal.   No one is better or worth more than another.  Yes, each of us may be at different stages of monetary wealth or status, but does that really make a difference?  In some ways I think it can impact our lives, but in the grand scheme of things, it does not matter.

We must learn to be grateful for the things that we do have, and if we ever find ourselves doing well, and in a position to help others around us, we should.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Additional Blogs

•                Alexis Priestly
•                Ally McClain
•                Amber Kranc
•                Annabel Detering
•                Bailey Baird
•                Caitlin Schofield
•                Candice Merrill
•                Cristel Carlini
•                Elisse Cook
•                Emily Hayes
•                Erica Arguello
•                Hailey Patera
•                Haley Lucas
•                Heather Christensen
•                Janaya L. Johnson
•                Jenney Premont
•                Julie Moss
•                Kayleena Johnston
•                Kaylonnie White
•                Kelsey Lawrence
•                Kelsey Murphy
•                Kody Daffer
•                Krystal Palmer
•                Laura Hudgins
•                Madeline Vance
•                McKayla Nicole Hess
•                Michael Watts
•                Olivia Welch
•                Patrick Williams
•                Rachel Blaylock
•                Rachel Escobar
•                Sammi Scott
•                Tamara Handa
•                Tina Trepanier
•                Tod Flory

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Couples who don't have sex before marriage are happier."

In a study performed by Brigham Young University School of Family Life, a group of over 2,000 married couples were questioned about their relationships, and the impact of sex in their marriages.  It was found that those who waited to have sex until after they were married had stronger, healthier marriages for a number of reasons.  Satisfaction of their relationships, communication strengths, and sexual intimacy improved compared to those that participated in pre marital sex.  What I found most interesting about his study, was that communication skills between spouses who waited to have sex before marriage were better than those who didn't.  The study talked about how sex is a form of communication, and those that waited to have sex were better at communicating because by not having sex, they found other ways to communicate with each other.  This caused them to be better communicators.  In response to the study performed, many readers have said that this study is biased, because it was performed by a University supported by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  How do you feel about this study?  What do you think about sex before marriage?  Do you think that relationships are stronger and healthier when sex is something that happens after marriage?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Family Relations

This semester, I have started taking a class about Family Relations.  I am excited to share with you all of my findings, and the things that I learn and adapt to my life.  I hope that we will enjoy the things that I share, and incorporate them into your life as well!