Monday, August 22, 2011

The Birth We Call Death

As some of you may know, my Grandpa passed away this summer.  It is something that I knew was coming, but I don't think anything can ever fully prepare you to lose a loved one.  When I found out that he had passed, all I wanted to do was be with my family.  I wanted to be close to those that I loved.  I find it interesting that when someone that we love dies, we naturally want to be with people that we care about.  But what about that person that isn't with us anymore?  Will we get to see them again?  This event in my life caused me to reflect on my beliefs, my desires, and my actions.  As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe that this life isn't the only one that we will live.  There is life after death.  I will get to see my Grandpa again.  When we die, we fulfill a part of The Plan of Salvation, we start a new life, and we progress.  Death is not the end.  I read a book once called "The Birth We Call Death."  It helped me understand that death is a transition, something that we must accomplish.  In order for us to be with those that we love forever, we must live our lives in a way that will grant us that desire.  Dallin H. Oaks said, "Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions.  The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving, and our becoming."  Now the question is, what do you desire?  And are your actions going to help you make that desire become a reality?  I hope so.


  1. I like your thinking Micheal. I have some of the same feelings. I think I'd like to read that book, do you still have it? I

  2. I love your blog Elder Micheal :) It's really Me not Beauness Just sayin'
